Fighting the Big Tech Lobby to Ensure a Strong European Digital Services Act

The Digital Services Act (DSA), passed by the European Union in 2022, is the first comprehensive piece of regional legislation aimed at regulating Big Tech's business model. In its attempts to water down the text, Big Tech spent millions in Brussels lobbying and public relations campaigns across Europe. Civil society organizations played a crucial role in ensuring that the final law had citizens' rights and not the industry's interests at its core.

Flora led Ekō's digital advocacy campaign, a team composed of campaigners, designers, advocacy experts, translators, and researchers. For 10 months straight, the team produced weekly advocacy materials in over 10 languages and mobilized over 1.5M members in the region to quickly show up at crucial moments of the process.

Members of the European Parliament publicly acknowledged the impact of this campaign as it ensured citizen-focused demands were present at every step of the process. This campaign, which aligned with the work of other crucial organizations fighting for common goals through the PeoplevsBigTech coalition, resulted in a people-centered and effective piece of legislation which will regulate Big Tech and protect citizens' rights.

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