Stopping Brazil's Biggest Gold Mine at the Heart of the Amazon

Working closely with Movimento Xingu Vivo, at the forefront of the fight against the mining company, Flora implemented an investor-focused strategy to block the plans. After mobilising tens of thousands of members around the world, Flora designed and implemented a targeted pressure campaign aimed at the mine's main investor, Agnico Eagles Mine

Within 72 hours, the investor sold over half of its shares worth over USD 14 million and committed to sell the remaining shares within 60 days. Having the front line at the core of the campaign asks, the multi-front campaign resulted in the paralysis of the mine project up until today, effectively blocking plans to develop the mine.

Plans to develop Brazil's largest gold mine by the company Bello Sun, located in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, threatened to invade over 10 protected indigenous lands and cause irreversible and human rights environmental impacts.

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